VA - Attendance

In order to receive VA educational assistance for pursuit of a program of education, an individual must maintain satisfactory attendance.  VA will discontinue educational assistance if the individual does not maintain satisfactory attendance.  Attendance is unsatisfactory if the individual does not attend according to the regularly prescribed standards of the educational institution in which he or she is enrolled (38 U.S.C. 3034, 3474). "F" is the grade assigned when a student stops attending or never attended classes.

Drop/Add Courses

  • Reduction/increase in the student’s enrollment may impact their VA educational assistance.  Students may want to consult their VA counselor.


  • VA will not pay benefits to an individual for a course from which the individual withdraws or receives a nonpunitive grade which is not used in computing the requirements for graduation. (38 U.S.C. 3680 and §21.4136)