Substantive Change

SACSCOC Substantive Change

Substantive change is a significant modification or expansion in the nature and scope of an accredited institution. The types of substantive change and the procedures for addressing them appropriately may be found in the SACSCOC Policy on Substantive Change. The College President or accreditation liaison (VP for Institutional Advancement) will notify SACSCOC of substantive changes. The accreditation liaison should ensure that substantive changes are recognized and reported in a timely fashion to SACSCOC via the substantive change notification process.

What is DSCC's policy on substantive change?

The College has authorized the DSCC Substantive Change Policy that provides guidance on compliance with the substantive change procedures of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (“SACSCOC” or “Commission”). This policy is applicable to all units, departments, divisions, centers and campuses. 

See the DSCC Substantive Change Checklist to monitor course and program offerings at sites.

Programs and Certificates

If you are involved with an academic program or certificate, please answer the following questions to determine if you should complete the Substantive Change Intake Form.

New Embedded Technical Certificates

If you are involved with the development of a new embedded technical certificate, please complete the Embedded Technical Certificate Substantive Change Intake Form.


If you are involved with an administrative department, are you initiating a contract, MOU, grant, or consortium regarding outsourcing instruction or regarding the College’s provision of instruction for another organization or company, buying new property for the College, opening a new College owned campus or center, opening a new off-campus instructional site, or relocating an off-campus instructional site?

If you answered yes to one or more of the self assessment questions above, please contact the Vice President for Institutional Advancement for information regarding SACSCOC approval of your potential substantive change.