Dyer Statements
Call for Submissions
DSCC’s literature and arts journal wants your poems, stories, essays, photographs, and graphic designs for the next online issue. Again we’d like to extend a special invitation to science, medical, and tech submissions.
Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, February 28, 2018
- Send all submissions to Nigel Bradley, nbradley@dscc.edu
- In your subject heading, type Dyer Statements and your name as it should appear in the journal.
- You must be a current faculty member, staff, student, or alumnus / alumnus of DSCC in order to submit a work to the journal.
- Attach all of your submissions to one email message.
- A covering email should include your name, your email address, title of submission, type of submission (poem, short story, etc).
- You also need to submit a headshot photo and provide a brief biography of yourself.
- Subsequent pages of the submission should carry the title of the work.
- The editors will make final decisions on which submissions will be published in Dyer Statements.
- A covering email should include your name, your email address, title of submission, type of submission (poem, short story, etc).
- You also need to submit a headshot photo and provide a brief biography of yourself.
- The editors will make final decisions on which submissions will be published in Dyer Statements.
Photos, Drawings, Graphics, and Visuals
- All must be submitted as a .jpg or .png files.
- Submit no more than 3 photos or other visual pieces.
- All writing must be submitted as a Word document with the extensions docx or doc.
- Submissions should not exceed 10 double-spaced, typed pages.
- Although you should limit submissions to one story, essay, or short play per issue, you may submit no more than three short poems or one long poem, photographs, or graphics for consideration.
- Attach all of your submissions to one email message.