Patrick’s Art Exhibit on Display at the Jimmy Naifeh Center through June 3, 2022

An art exhibit by Jeannie Patrick is on display at the DSCC Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County through June 3, 2022.

An art exhibit by Jeannie Patrick is on display at the Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) Jimmy Naifeh Center (JNC) at Tipton County through June 3, 2022. The exhibit is displayed inside the Learning Resource Center (LRC) in the Ripley Power and Light Company Lobby.

Jeannie Patrick is a native of Covington, Tennessee and is a retired Community Development Director of the March of Dimes, Jackson Division.

Patrick, a self-taught artist, began painting in 1978 as a hobby. She shared, “I started painting still life pictures in acrylics and oils. Painting is very relaxing for me and is an outlet for my creativity to grow.” Patrick went on to say, “when my only child was born, I stored the easel and paints to devote more time to being a mother and working a full-time job. Years later, after my son graduated from college, married, and left the nest, I decided to start painting again. I went to a couple of classes with friends from church and enjoyed this time of painting and brushing up on my techniques.”

“During COVID, I could not go out as often, so I began watching art classes on social media. I painted what I saw. It was at this time that I taught myself to paint using watercolors. Watercolors became one of my favorite mediums for painting. After brushing up on my painting skills and refilling my art case, a friend challenged me to post my paintings on social media. I received many lovely compliments on my art and even sold several of my paintings. The experience gave me a new perspective. Several people contacted me asking me to teach a children’s art class and possibly an adult class. I was so excited about this possibility, and after thinking this over for several weeks, I decided to do just that,” Patrick shared.

The exhibit is Patrick’s first at a public venue. Patrick selected some favorite paintings to display, and asked students to display some of their art along with hers. Patrick said, “I am honored to display my art and honored to be able to teach these talented young children. I tell them just to paint what they see.” 

A reception will be held at the JNC in the Ripley Power and Light Company Lobby at the Learning Resource Center on April 25, 2022, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

For more information, contact Barbara Flowers McBride at 901-237-4006.