Give Back 731 Fundraiser Provides Relief for Students

Dr. Amanda Walker, Dr. Karen Bowyer and Stephen Thomas
DSCC Foundation raises $2,500+ for food pantires and emergency relief fund.

The Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) Foundation recently participated in the 24-hour Give Back 731 fundraising campaign in collaboration with The United Way of West Tennessee May 5. The Foundation raised $2,039.54 plus an additional $500 prize for having the most monies contributed during the 8-9 a.m. timeframe. Contributions will benefit the College’s student food pantries and emergency relief funds. On hand to receive the check were (from left) Dr. Amanda Walker, vice president for institutional advancement and continuing education, Dr. Karen Bowyer, president and Stephen Thomas, director of student life. To give to the food pantries or emergency relief fund, contributions can be made at