First Dyersburg Paramedic to RN Class Honored

Twelve paramedics earn Registered Nursing degrees from Fast Track Program

On Aug. 9, Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) honored its 67th nursing class with a ceremony for 12 graduates in the first-ever Paramedic to Registered Nurse (RN) Fast Track program at the Dyersburg campus. The ceremony took place inside the First Citizens National Bank Auditorium on the Dyersburg campus. A total of 1,806 nursing students have graduated from DSCC over the past 38 years.

Amy Johnson, dean of nursing, opened the ceremony with an introduction of nursing staff and faculty. DSCC President Karen Bowyer acknowledged the graduates and congratulated them on their accomplishments.

Nursing instructor Trenna Richardson introduced class officers including: Preston Boggan of Desoto, Mississippi, president; Matthew Cartwright of  Dyersburg, treasurer; and Pedro Lopez of Hendersonville, historian.

“We started off as friends, but we became a family,” stated Preston Boggan, class president. “We all contributed in our own way in order to be where we are today.”

Dr. Karen Bowyer, DSCC president, presented the Friend of Nursing Award, chosen by the nursing students, to Brenda Springfield, DSCC staff member.

The Scholastic Award, presented to the student with the highest grade-point average (GPA), was presented to nursing graduate Matthew Cartwright of Dyersburg, who graduated with a 3.71 GPA.

The Clinical Practice Award, selected by members of the nursing faculty, was presented to nursing graduate Starr Austin of Humboldt. This award is given to nursing graduates who demonstrate qualities such as the practice of nursing as a humanistic art and science, the recognition of each person as a unique individual and acceptance of legal and ethical professional accountability.

Nursing graduate Cory Howard of Bruceton presented the Friendship Award, chosen by class members, to fellow classmate Pedro Lopez of Hendersonville.

Amy Johnson, DSCC dean of nursing, presented class pins to the graduates. Following tradition, each nursing graduate received a ceramic replica of the lamp carried by Florence Nightingale, a pioneer in the nursing profession. Nursing graduates lit the lamps and recited the Nightingale Pledge.

The 12 graduates of DSCC’s August 2019 Paramedic to RN Fast Track Nursing Program included:

Arlington – Joshua Pearce

Booneville, Missouri – Joey McVey

Bruceton – Cory Howard

Desoto, Mississippi – Preston Boggan

Dyersburg – Matthew Cartwright

Gibson – Adam King

Hendersonville – Pedro Lopez

Humboldt – Starr Austin

Memphis – Kimberly Winters and Melissa Dyles

Oakland – Matthew Randall

Troy – Samantha Witherington