Dyersburg State Plans Flag Fundraiser to Honor Local Veterans

DSCC will host a Veterans Day flag fundraiser to honor those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) will host a Veterans Day flag fundraiser to honor those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. A contribution of $25 will ensure that a flag is displayed Nov. 10-13 on the lawn of the Dyersburg campus in honor of a veteran you know. We will mark each flag in honor of her or his service. All proceeds from the fundraiser will help provide scholarship awards for future veteran and military-affiliated students. The deadline to participate is November 8, 2023.

DSCC is recognized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) as an approved VETS Campus for our proven commitment to providing educational support to veterans. To learn more about veteran and military-affiliated opportunities at DSCC, visit www.dscc.edu/veterans.

To participate in the flag fundraiser, contact Beth Feith at 731-286-3345 or feith@dscc.edu. To pay online, go to www.dscc.edu/node/6981. Then, under the “gift designation” section, select “other,” and at the bottom of the form, specify “Flag Fundraiser.”  Please be sure to share each veteran’s full name, official rank, and branch of service, if known.