DSCC Alumni Honored

outstanding alumni recipients
Four chosen for their outstanding accomplishments

Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) honored Heather Giles and Teresa Thomson of Dyersburg with the Outstanding Alumni Award Oct. 12 inside the Student Center on the Dyersburg campus.

Danny Walden, president of the DSCC Alumni Association, along with Mandy Fisher, director of continuing education and alumni affairs at DSCC, presented the awards in front of over 200 faculty and staff during the College’s annual fall conference.

Giles graduated from DSCC in 1999. She is currently employed at Dyersburg Healthcare and Rehabilitation and held the positions of wound care nurse, assistant director, director of nursing, and currently licensed nursing home administrator. She was previously employed at Union City Nursing and Rehabilitation, Covington Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation, and Forest Cove Nursing and Rehabilitation as a licensed nursing home administrator.

“DSCC allowed me to pursue a career in nursing in my hometown,” stated Giles. “The career path that was available has given me the opportunity to give back to my community. The faculty were always great advocates and supporters of the nursing students and always pushed for the best from everyone.”

Thomson graduated from DSCC in 2002 summa cum laude. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Professional Studies with a double major in Information Technology and Organizational Leadership in 2007 from the University of Memphis. She was previously employed at DSCC as the English department secretary and served as a tutor. She is currently employed with First Citizens National Bank in Dyersburg. Since graduating at DSCC, she has been awarded the Salvation Army’s Doing the Most Good Award, the Dyersburg Breakfast Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellow Award, and the Dyersburg Breakfast Rotary Club Presidential Citation.

“Dyersburg States Community College provided a wonderful foundation for my college career,” stated Thomson. “DSCC afforded me the opportunity to begin my journey toward earning both my associate and bachelor’s degrees. The professors and my advisors at DSCC were always available to provide guidance and advice on my degree path, which was very important to me since I did not enroll in college until I was in my 30’s. The curriculum at DSCC provided a well-rounded diverse education, and helped me prepare for greater success at The University of Memphis, and my career at First Citizens National Bank.”

Jane Hicks, computer programmer analyst at DSCC, was honored as a charter member of the first graduating class from 1971. Hicks earned an associate of science degree in Elementary Education in 1971 and an associate of science degree in Accounting and Data Processing in 1983. While attending DSCC, she served as the vice president of the data processing club. She was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society where she served as an advisor. Prior to DSCC, Hicks was as a department secretary and city court clerk at the Dyersburg police department, a clerk at the Dyer County Sheriff’s Office, and an account clerk at Glass Auto Parts. In the past 13 years, she has co-coordinated the Moody-Wadley Community Cancer Fund with her husband Carl.

“If it were not for DSCC coming to Dyersburg in 1969, I would not have been able to attend college,” Hicks stated. “DSCC provided me and countless other newly graduated high school students the opportunity to continue our education. I am extremely grateful for that opportunity.”

A special alumni award was also presented to Emma Reynolds of Dyersburg. Reynolds earned 27 credit hours at DSCC. She received a bachelor’s degree in Business Education from the University of Tennessee and a master’s degree in Education and Administration from the University of Memphis. She currently serves as an adjunct faculty member at DSCC. She has helped administer a Title III grant at DSCC for six years, has chaired several committees, and has been selected as an Outstanding Faculty Member on three different occasions. Reynolds began the advising centers at all three DSCC locations and wrote the first articulation agreement between the College and local technology centers. Previously, Reynolds worked for the Shelby County Board of Education and taught at Millington High School.

“I found DSCC to be a place of growth and development, not just for the student, but also for the faculty member, the college, and the communities from which our students reside,” stated Reynolds. “Seeing and being a part of DSCC over the years has been quite illuminating in so many ways. I remember the small white house in the proximity of the Health Department and I remember all of the classes housed in what is now the Dale F. Glover Education Center. Now look at DSCC!”

Each year, DSCC presents the Outstanding Alumni Award to nominated individuals that have excelled in their field, given back to the community, and served as positive role models. Alumni who are interested in joining the DSCC Alumni Association should contact Mandy Fisher, alumni affairs, at 731-286-3265 or mfisher@dscc.edu.


Photo caption:

DSC_2506.jpg – Mandy Fisher (far right), director of continuing education and alumni affairs at DSCC, poses with several alumni honored at DSCC’s fall conference including (from left) Emma Reynolds of RoEllen, and Heather Giles, Jane Hicks, and Teresa Thomson, all of Dyersburg.