Distance Education Fees Waived Beginning Fall Semester

Effort will help remove financial barriers

Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) has announced that all online distance education fees will be waived beginning fall semester 2021. The Board of Regents (TBR) has suspended all online course fees for the next academic year at DSCC and six other Tennessee community colleges in an initiative to help remove financial barriers to those students choosing to take online courses amid the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is a great opportunity for DSCC students to save on online courses,” stated Dennis Anderson, dean of career, technical and distance education at DSCC. “These savings can be used to pay for the cost of text books and other materials needed each semester.”

Online courses for fall include Accounting, General Biology I and II, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II (A&P), Microbiology, Introduction to Business, Communication (Speech), Intro to Early Childhood, English Composition I and II, Early World Literature, Manufacturing Processes, Medical Terminology, Introduction to Health Information Management (HIM), Introductory Statistics, Precalculus Algebra, Applied Calculus and much more. Additional courses are available and can be found on the DSCC website at www.dscc.edu. Students are encouraged to apply for fall semester at www.dscc.edu/apply and register for classes early for best class selection. Fall classes are scheduled to begin Aug. 23.