ABWA Presents Check to DSCC for Scholarships

Representatives from the ABWA presented DSCC President Dr. Karen Bowyer with a contribution of $4,000.

Representatives from the Southern Accent Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) presented Dyersburg State Community College’s (DSCC) President Dr. Karen Bowyer with a contribution of $4,000 on Nov 30.

The funds were raised during ABWA’s annual Girls’ Night Out fundraiser held at the Lannom Center on Thurs., Aug. 26. Proceeds from the event will be awarded to DSCC students as scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year.

“This year was extra special to us all as we got to present the check to Dr. Karen Bowyer one last time before her retirement. She is definitely an ICON, serving DSCC and Dyersburg / Dyer County for the last 37 years,” Jodie King stated.

On hand for the presentation were (from left) ABWA members Lindsay Ennis, Jodie King, ABWA President, Candi Harrington, Dr. Karen Bowyer, DSCC President, Ellen Staggs, ABWA Vice-President, Leslie Lynn, and Sandy Tarkington.