Consumer Information

This information is provided in compliance with the Department of Education's Student Consumer Information requirements. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 731-286-3350. Paper documentation of any or all of the listed items can be provided upon request. 

Student Consumer Information includes:


General Student Information
Academic Information
  • Academic Programs Listing – A complete listing of all educational programs offered at DSCC.
  • Academic Warning Process – Requirements to meet the required academic and progress performance standards at DSCC.
  • Campus Directories – Employee directories by name and institutional departments.
  • Degree Options – A list of degrees that students can obtain through DSCC, including the requirements for each.
  • DSCC’s Locations – A list of the locations used by DSCC to deliver programs.
  • Institutional Accreditation – Information regarding DSCC’s Institutional Accreditation and specific program accreditation.
  • Study Abroad Programs – A description of the opportunities that DSCC students to take courses in another country for credit toward their degree.
  • Textbook Information – DSCC’s Bookstore has a complete list of textbooks required for DSCC courses including price and ISBN information.
  • Transfer Credit Policies – Policies relevant to the transfer of credit hours to DSCC from other institutions.
  • Transfer Students – Instructions for admission for students transferring to DSCC.
Financial Aid Information
  • Applying for Financial Aid –Links for completing the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) and state scholarship applications with DSCC.
  • Cost of Attendance and Additional Program Costs - An estimate of the total expenses for a student attending DSCC. The total figure includes tuition and fees, room and board, books, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. 
  • Eligibility – Eligibility requirements for students to receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid.
  • Financial Aid Disbursement – Explanation of how federal and other student aid is disbursed and distributed to students.
  • Loan Code of Conduct – Expectations for DSCC’s Financial Aid Staff to adhere to with regard to student loans.
  • Refund and Return to Title IV Policies - Procedures that DSCC must follow when students fail to complete any of their enrolled coursework within a semester.
  • Rights and Responsibilities of Students Receiving Aid – Information pertinent to students receiving aid to understand their responsibilities for maintaining their eligibility and their rights to information regarding their aid.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress – Policy regarding the standard of academic achievement that must be maintained to remain eligible for financial aid.
  • Special Circumstances – Instructions and forms for students to request their income to be revised for eligibility purposes, based on an extenuating circumstance.
  • Student Employment and Federal Work Study – Information about student employment opportunities.
  • Student Loan Information – Pertinent information for student loan borrowers regarding student loan requirements, types of federal student loans, and annual interest rates.
  • Types of Financial Aid – Description of aid administered by DSCC’s Financial Aid Office.
  • Verification – Instructions on how to obtain IRS documents and information on where to send financial aid documents needed for verification.
Health and Safety Information
Student Outcomes
Institutional Policies