Who is eligible?
Eligibility to receive the Tennessee Early Childhood Program Administrator Credential requires one to be the director or program administrator of a Tennessee licensed child care program. The director is defined as the individual who provides leadership, supervision, and management in a licensed early childhood program. Both new and experienced administrators may choose to obtain the credential.

What are the benefits?
The education of child care providers directly impacts children's ability to grow and develop to their fullest potential and provides quality outcomes for their families. By earning the credential a director may meet the alternate pathway for NAEYC accreditation.

How much does it cost?
There are no fees or costs related to applying for and receiving the Credential. This program is designed to improve the competencies of people working with children and their families without an additional financial obligation. The Tennessee Department of Human Services provides the funding.

What is required to receive the credential?
You must first complete the Initial Application for Eligibility and submit your academic transcripts. The applications are reviewed and each candidate is advised regarding his or her further requirements for entry or is assigned an advisor and admitted to the Administrator Academy.

What is the Administrator Academy?
The Administrator Academy is the name given to the eight classroom sessions that incorporate leadership and management training, goal setting, and self-evaluations guided by portfolios and other curriculum.

Why does the Credential have four different levels?
The four levels are Provisional, Standard, Advanced, and Master. The credential is designed to offer four levels of entry for administrators so that it could be available to those with basic early childhood coursework to those with advanced degrees.

How long does it take to earn an Administrator Credential?
The total process takes approximately 6 months. The candidate enrolls in and finishes an Administrator Academy, completes a program portfolio, and is assessed by the appropriate Administration Scale; the Program Administration Scale (PAS) for center-based programs and Business Administration Scale (BAS) for home based programs.