National Accreditation

   -Does your program strive to work beyond the minimum state licensing standards for staff training and staff/child ratios?

   -Do you (and staff) have Early Childhood Credentials such as TECTA training, CDA Credential, Associates Degree or an Education or Business Degree?

   -Does your staff have work benefits?

   -Are your rooms set up into "learning centers" for play opportunities such as blocks, dramatic play, creative art, science/cooking, manipulatives, library and puppets?

   -Do parents participate in your program in any way?

   -Does your program operate based on written policies to govern the program, staff, and parents?

If you can answer "YES" to most of the above questions, then you may be exceeding state licensing requirements and be ready to seek NATIONAL ACCREDITATION for your high-quality childcare program!

Accreditation means operating your childcare program based on nationally set standards and state licensing requirements.  If you have been in operation a minimum of at least one year and are Tennessee licensed then you may be eligible for training, consultation, and fee assistance (when available).

Two national organizations offering national accreditations are the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC).  NAEYC is the nation's largest organization of early childhood educators. For more information about NAEYC accreditation visit the NAEYC web site at NAFCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting quality family child care by strengthening the profession of family child care. For more information about NAFCC accreditation, log on to the NAFCC web site at